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High Fossil Fuel Use Highlights U.S. Power Transition Challenge

(Reuters) – Fossil fuels continue to rule the roost in the United States’ power sector, despite clean energy sources being rolled out at the fastest pace in history. For the past decade, U.S. power generators have prioritized clean power sources over fossil fuels, and since 2014 they have lifted clean electricity generation capacity by over …

High Fossil Fuel Use Highlights U.S. Power Transition Challenge Read More »

COMMENTARY: Overcoming Bottlenecks is a Prerequisite to Achieving the Energy Transition – Yogi Schulz

Overcoming multiple bottlenecks will be essential for scaling up key technologies required to reduce GHG emissions and address the adverse consequences of climate change. The technologies that must be scaled up and reduced in cost are: Geothermal, nuclear, solar and wind electricity generation. Batteries and hydro storage to increase the effective production of intermittent electricity …

COMMENTARY: Overcoming Bottlenecks is a Prerequisite to Achieving the Energy Transition – Yogi Schulz Read More »

Splash of Support for Hydropower – ENERGYminute

Courtesy of Visit Post Falls The Department of Energy (DOE) has opened the floodgates, awarding a hefty sum of $71.5 million in incentive payments to bolster 46 hydropower facilities scattered across nineteen states. Background: The cash infusion is designed to rev up the efficiency and operations for these chosen US hydropower hubs. The funds will be directed towards …

Splash of Support for Hydropower – ENERGYminute Read More »

U.S. Energy Tax Credit Trading Grows to as Much as $9 billion, Study Finds

NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) – Developers of renewable energy projects selling unused U.S. tax credits to other companies now account for a market worth between $7 billion and $9 billion, buoyed by legislation in 2022 that made these trades possible, a new study shows. President Joe Biden’s climate law aimed to stoke trillions of dollars of investment to …

U.S. Energy Tax Credit Trading Grows to as Much as $9 billion, Study Finds Read More »

China’s Dams Are Refilling, and That’s Good News for the Climate

Hydropower has underperformed since 2022’s historic drought, causing widespread economic pain. That’s finally changing. Visitors view the shipping locks of China’s Three Gorges Dam, where water storage is up about 25% from the previous year. Despite the much-deserved excitement surrounding China’s rapid build-out of wind turbines and solar panels, the country’s biggest source of clean energy remains one …

China’s Dams Are Refilling, and That’s Good News for the Climate Read More »